Hello, everyone! Unfortunately, in yet another chapter in the plumbing/heating saga, we’ve had another flood in the crypt, and, despite the plumber’s best intentions, we’re currently without heating, toilets or water. There’s also a lot of banging and drilling going on… Given the circumstances, we feel that a rehearsal tonight is not feasible, so we won’t meet tonight. We’d also planned to have no rehearsal next week because of half term. We hope you’ll accept our apologies for the disruption, and look forward to seeing you in two week’s time, on Weds 26th Feb. In the meantime, the rehearsal tracks are on the website, and if you want to get ahead, then take a look at the - Kyrie - we’ll start that after half term.
Brighton Voices Community Choir is runs in association with All Saints Hove under the musical directorship of David Stevens. We are fully independent of the church, who are kind enough to support us and to provide us with practice space and a musical director.
The choir is non-audition and friendly. Our aim is to sing music we enjoy and to challenge ourselves by performing about two concerts a year We welcome new members for all parts.
Membership is currently £30 a term (£90 per year), but you can try us out a couple of times for free! If you decide to join, our Membership Form is here. You can fill it out online, or print it out and bring it to a rehearsal.
These pages are intended for members of Brighton Voices Community Choir only.
Most are password protected and only available to members.
Rehearsal tracks are now available in the Members area, along with a link to the Spotify track on which David is basing our rehearsals.
All rehearsal tracks for all parts are available. They can be played online, either as MP$ Video files or MP3 Audio files. You can also download a zip file containing all your rehearsal tracks in either audio or video format.
For Spring 2025 - Lloyds Bank
Subs for this term are £30 and can be paid online preferably, but we can also accept cash or card at rehearsal (to Jean or John).
Details for online transfers (Lloyds):
Brighton Voices Community Choir
Sort Code 30-99-50
Business Account 21927162
Please put your name in the Reference field.
Note: this uses the Confirmation of Payee validation system, so should validate OK if the details are correct!
Will cost £6 (please pay alongside your subs), BUT after the final concert they can be returned for a £5 refund. All we ask is you only use pencil markings and they are in good condition. (Also applies if you no longer need it before then).
New members get a numbered score to borrow for each initial rehearsal (returning it each evening) until you decide to join and pay.
Available in the Resources section of the Members area in due course.
We have almost finished checking the photos and videos from Fauré and the Remembrance concert. These will be available very soon in the Members' Flickr Gallery
Rehearsal and performance dates can also be found on our calendar.
Our repertoire is both secular and sacred mostly classical music, sung in four or more parts with a smattering of Victorian Part Songs. In the past we have worked on a number of pieces that are more challenging than those traditionally undertaken by community choirs and will continue to do so.
Have a look at our Performances section (see left) to get a better idea of our repertoire.
David is the Director of Music for Brighton Voices, and, before coming to Hove, held positions in Guildford, Newcastle and Wells cathedrals. He was also the Organist and Master of the Choristers at Belfast Cathedral, and his choirs broadcast on BBC TV (including a performance on Songs of Praise), UTV, BBC Radio and Radio Ulster, sang in concerts with the Ulster Orchestra and RTÉ Concert Orchestra, performed on-stage with NI Opera, and recorded a CD of new music for Christmas. David gives organ recitals throughout the UK, and also works as an orchestral keyboard player; he has played organ, harpsichord and harmonium for concerts, broadcasts and recordings with the Ulster Orchestra. David was the Organ Scholar at Oriel College, Oxford, studying the organ with Kevin Bowyer and David Sanger, and then studied Choral Conducting at the Royal Academy of Music in London with Patrick Russill, from where he graduated with an MA with Distinction and the Irene Burcher Prize. In 2016 he was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy of Music for a ‘significant contribution to the music profession.’
Performance and rehearsal dates can also be found on our calendar.
See other listings on the
Brighton and Hove Arts Council website
Brighton Voices Community Choir supports a number of charities. Under the directorship of David Stevens, we have supported:
Our Christmas social event in 2023, the Carol Crawl visited a number of pubs in the area around All Saints for
We will also supported The RNLI at Brighton Marina and performed to patients in the Stroke Unit at the Sussex County Hospital in December 2023.
We are currently using FaceBook as our only social media channel. This is run by Pennie, acting as a co-opted member of the committee working under the responsibility of Jul.
Please keep an eye on this active page for some great regular posts about the pieces we are singing and other related items!
Go to the Brighton Voices FaceBook page…
Images and videos, mainly taken by our professional associate Patrick Ribeiro
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Brighton Voices stores an only basic cookies for performance, for example to display a different icon or colour if you click a button.
The data stored is minimal and non-identifying. No personal or other data is stored or shared with third parties.