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Brighton Voices Community Choir

No choir rehearsal 12th or 19th Feb

Hello, everyone! Unfortunately, in yet another chapter in the plumbing/heating saga, we’ve had another flood in the crypt, and, despite the plumber’s best intentions, we’re currently without heating, toilets or water. There’s also a lot of banging and drilling going on… Given the circumstances, we feel that a rehearsal tonight is not feasible, so we won’t meet tonight. We’d also planned to have no rehearsal next week because of half term. We hope you’ll accept our apologies for the disruption, and look forward to seeing you in two week’s time, on Weds 26th Feb. In the meantime, the rehearsal tracks are on the website, and if you want to get ahead, then take a look at the - Kyrie - we’ll start that after half term.

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